Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Let's Start at the Very Beginning . . . A Very Good Place to Start.

     I do not quite know how to start this... but here it goes.  At the beginning of this school year, my sister began a blog.  She is fellow a college student and we share some creative family genes.  She seems to be having a wonderful time with her blog.  Since starting her blog, my sister has been nagging me about starting my own.  So this is me giving in.
     By starting this blog I hope to accomplish a few things. First, I would like an outlet to express my creative writing and such. Second, I want to be able to share the crafty projects that I complete with someone... anyone really.  And third and finally, I want to have some fun with this new hobby.  I am always excited to try something new and blogging is a whole new thing to me.
     So please bear with me as I attempt this blog :-)